Welcome to the Mira Costa High School Class of ’57 website. We need your help to keep on top of details concerning the classmates and upcoming reunions, as well as updates regarding fellow classmates. 

    By providing us with your photos, email addresses and information concerning the location of classmates, you will make this website a valuable resource for any future reunions or correspondence with other classmates.

    Our webmaster, Herman Brown, will update the site frequently, so be sure to check back often.

  • For "Contact Us":

    Contact us with your email address

        Please provide us with your email address using the "Contact Us" link on the menu above. This will give us an efficient and cost-effective way to stay in touch. 

        Additionally, by giving us permission to use this information on the site (along with your city and state of residence), classmates will be able to contact each other.  With your permission, a link will be placed on the "Class of 1957" list, and in some areas that are pretty remote, a link to a map may be placed showing the general area in which you live..

  • For "All Reunions", please send us any pictures you might have of any of the previous Class of 1957 reunions, or for any "mini reunions" you may attend. So far, we have none from the 10th and 20th.

  • For the "50th reunion Pictures", most of the pictures are included that he has received that were taken over the 2007, 50th reunion weekend.

  • For "Old Pictures", please send us any “old” favorites of you or fellow classmates that you would like us to add. 

  • For "Recent Pictures", please send us any pictures taken in the last few years, that you would like to share.

  • For the "Then and Now" pictures, send Herman any pictures taken around the time of our graduation ("Then") paired with a recent picture of you and/or a classmate ("Now").  For the "Then" picture, he will use the picture from the yearbook if  he doesn't receive one from you.

  • For the "Class of 1957", you should all find your name and photo from our MCHS '57 Hoofprint. With your submission and permission, he  will also include your current city and state of residence, and email address. Even if if you happened to have missed the 1957 graduation ceremony from some reason or other, Herman will add your name to the list, hopefully with your current information.
        So when you see an underlined name (or place) in that section, you can click on it to either send an e-mail or find a map of the area where a classmate lives, like it is for Herman's name:

Brown, Herman - Greenville CA

    "deceased" will appear next to names included in the "Lost Ones" list, which is linked from the "Missing" list.  

  • On the "Missing" page, there is a list of those classmates for whom we have no recent contact information. We are eager to get your help in finding anyone listed on this list. 

    For the "Lost Ones" list linked on the "Missing" page, we have included the names of those who have left us, with both DOB and DOD. Please let us know if you are aware of anyone to be added. There is a link on that page to a video with music, showing those on the "Lost Ones" list. 

  • On  the "Bulletin Board",  you can have questions and responses posted for others to review.

  • On the "E-mails" page, Herman will be including some of the interesting e-mails he receives that he thinks should be shared with the rest of the classmates.

  • The "Slideshows / Movies" are slideshows and movies, some with music, containing many of the pictures included on the site. All require a high-speed Internet connection. For MAC users, a download may be necessary to be able to view them (see the section).

  • The "Bios" are mostly clips from some of the e-mails Herman received, giving us a glimpse of what some of us have done since graduation

  • "Updates" are most of the updates Herman e-mailed to those on his class email list. If you would like to be included in Herman's mailing list for notices of the updates, send him an email. 

  • For "Search this Site", a simple site search page was added to get you to the page with the found item on it. You will need to locate the item on the page using the "find" function of your web browser.

Send us your Photographs

    If you can, please "lend" him your old and new pictures via regular mail, mail them on a CD,  or send them via email as jpeg files, His address is Herman Brown at PO Box 65, Greenville CA, 95947, his email address is herman@fungi-zette.com, and his phone number is 530-284-6241

Image files would be preferred to be at least 1024 pixel wide. 


Webmaster, Herman Brown